Friday, July 2, 2010

We are now in Corfu. We sailed 36 hrs. to get here and nobody is ready for the 4th of July weekend. No one is even talking about it.

It is nice to be back in the EU, something about going from the Harbor Master, to the Police, to the Customs guy, back to the Police and then back to the Harbormaster to get out of the country. All of them have a large stamps. and copies are in quadruple. Seems like a lot of paper work. Not only that, there are 3 people in each office waiting for you.

It is hard to break a system once it has been in place for a long time.

It is hot in Corfu, and it feels warmer here. We will be moving to the south starting tomorrow to pick up guests on the 14th in Athens. We should make it if we don't stop to talk to people. Seems to be our downfall for moving along. Ian is on his way to town tonight, you know it is Friday.
We are in a harbor tonight so we will fill up with fuel and water and move along. Most places we will anchor unless we go to a tie up for a dinner out.
I will send some good pictures once we start moving.
Brad and Ian

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