Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The start date is getting closer

Well, everybody is getting everything around to take off January 22, 2009 to Mobile, Alabama. We still have a lot of work to do to get things ready on the boat. That is one thing I have learned about sailing through the years. I plan on taking many pictures for people to observe and hopefully enjoy.


  1. I added the blog tho my feedreader. Hope to see more soon. Who will be on the boat to Alabama? :-)

  2. You guys will be a welcome diversion to below zero temperatures and 70 hour work weeks. Keep us well posted and lots of pictures. I'll be checking your progress everyday.

  3. My dad, Suzanne, and myself will be the only ones on the boat starting in Alabama.

  4. hi wonderful crew,

    Wish I could be there but have other things on my head (one of them you can see in my picture)

    I'm sure you will have a very good time.
    Suzanne : you did the right thing, success
    Ian : this is your opportunity to make it happen
    Brad : my friend enjoy your dream

    I'll be watching

