The crew enjoyed a final meal, on land, and are preparing for our ocean crossing. The GPS indicates 1,793 nautical miles to the harbour entrance for Horta on Maial Island in the Azore Islands of Portugal. The winds are currently northeast and our direction is east northeast.
We have decided to conduct a contest among our followers. If you list yourself as a follower and log in to the comments section.
You should list your first and last name as well as your home address. You may guess the estimated time of arrival at our waypoint. We will publish the finish time and date. We will list the winner and the crew will award a prize. Anyone can get involved. You have until Midnight May 22nd eastern daylight time. The entry should be in the comments section of this blog posting. We hope you can follow along and be the prize winner. The prize will be announced after our arrival.
It is currently 1pm, eastern daylight time and we anticipate leaving harbour within the next 2 hours. You can follow us on SPOT in the track us section. We purchased new batteries for the SPOT just in case. We must complete final loading and clear customs for departure.
A clue for you. We left our slip in Conch Inn Harbour at 11:30am Wednesday for the 738 nautical mile trip to the Bermuda waypoint. We arrived at 5:30pm Monday.
Good luck from the crew and best wishes to all